Japan scicom forum 2022

October 21, 2022


hosted by Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST)


Perspectives on global outreach from PIOs and leading scientists



Hands-on sessions with experts in global press, social media and more



Discussion and community-building to give science communication in Japan a global reach


Keynote speaker:

Massimiano Bucchi (Ph.D. Social and Political Science, European University Institute, 1997) is Full Professor of Science and Technology and Society and Communication, Science and Technology at the University of Trento and Director of the International Master programme SCICOMM.

Website: https://mb.soc.unitn.it/english/

Science communication and outreach, especially to global audiences in English, is taking off in Japan. Japan Scicom Forum brings together communicators, writers, scientists, journalists and select experts from abroad to inspire and boost the cohesion of scicomm in Japan, learn new skills and inform the community with best practices. Keynote talks will reflect on research-media interactions from the perspectives of both scientists and press professionals. Workshops will provide hands-on training to support communicators and scientists working in Japan as they engage in global outreach. Open discussion and networking opportunities are spread over the program. Registration is free and the event will be in English.




programme Schedule:

[programme booklet here]
[programme shows in Japan Standard Time]

Oct. 21 (find your local start time)


10:00-10:10 - Welcome by JSF organizers and Heather Young (OIST)

10:15-10:55 - Flash Talks by invited speakers:

  • Yoko Shimpuku (Hiroshima University)

    • Research publicity process in the international public relations team

  • Diego Pitta de Araujo (National University of Singapore)

    • Editorial illustrations: On the communication between art and science (or the lack of it)

  • Sara Phillips (360info)

    • Tapping into the knowledge of the university sector

  • Lauren Sallan (OIST)

    • Tips from TED: Communicating natural science research to the largest public audiences

11:00-12:00 - Workshops (2 in parallel):

  • Workshop 1: Online and hybrid post-COVID by Elizabeth Tasker (JAXA/TFOM)

  • Workshop 2: Reflecting on online communication on social media with a SNS simulation for digital media literacy education by Yoko Miyazaki (SmartNews Media Institute) and Marcos Sadao Maekawa (Keio University)

12:30-14:00 - Networking Lunch by The Future of Meetings (TFOM)

  • EurekAlert!: Share your Science News Releases Globally with EurekAlert!

  • SciComm as a Tool to Drive Sustainability by scientifyRESEARCH.org

  • Australia Science Media Centre

  • Japan Association for the Advancement of Science (JAAS)

  • Promoting International Research Publicity with Impact Science

  • Mira Tuku: Emerging Futures


14:00-14:10 - Remarks by JSF organisers and Brian Lin (AAAS)

14:10-14:40 - Keynote by Massimiano Bucchi (University of Trento) on Public perception of COVID-19 vaccination in Italy: The role of trust and experts’ communication

14:40-14:55 - Q&A with Keynote Speaker

14:55-15:00 - Break

15:00-16:00 - Workshops (2 in parallel):

  • Workshop 3: Equity and sustainability of scientific conferences by Kate Whitfield (Zeroverse)

  • Workshop 4: Media producing 101 for Scientists' by Ann Yamamoto (Rikkyo University) and Masashi Narasaki (Creative Director, Learn about Learning)

16:00-16:50 - Panel Discussion on Science Engagement by Falling Walls Engage

  • Moderator: Niklas Marzinek, Project Manager, Falling Walls Engage, Berlin, Germany

  • Panellist: Sara Kobayashi, Science Communicator, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation (MIRAIKAN), Tokyo, Japan

  • Panellist: Douglas Keddy, Associate Director, Western University, Ontario, Canada

  • Panellist: Shane McCracken, Director, Mangorolla CIC, Bath, UK

  • Panellist: Mohamed Daoud, Research Support Officer, University of Malta, Msida, Malta

  • Panellist: Edna Muthamia, PhD student, Okayama University, Japan / Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), Kenya

16:50-17:00 - Conclusion

"Public perception of COVID-19 vaccination in Italy: The role of trust and experts’ communication"(Keynote)

"Science engagement" (Panel Discussion)

"Four flash talks"

"Online and hybrid post-COVID"(Workshop)

"Equity and sustainability of scientific Conferences"(Workshop)

"Media producing 101 for scientists"(Workshop)

"Reflecting on online communication on social media"(Workshop)


Registration closed

Networking lunch:

The applications for proposing a table for the JSF22 networking session are now closed.



Ayumi Koso, NIG · @iyoumek

Thilina Heenatigala, ELSI · @ThilinaH

Tomomi Okubo, OIST · @imomofolio

Lucy Dickie, OIST · @LucyEDickie

Danielle Ellenby, OIST · @DaniEllenby

Rei Takahashi, UTokyo · @reirei353