JSF Socials

About JSF socials

JSF Socials are regular informal meetings to support the goals of JSF throughout the year, in particular to build community among public relations staff working in English in Japanese universities and other institutions.


JSF socials are held at 7 pm Japan time of every third Thursday of odd months.

NEXT EvENT: THURsday, 16 January 2025 (19:00 JST)

Topic: NTU’s use of augmented reality and AI in communications

Future events

2024-01-16, Thursday, 19:00: NTU’s use of augmented reality and AI in communications

2024-03-20, Thursday, 19:00: Topic TBD

Past events

2024-09-19: Reputation management

David Kornhauser

Director of International Communications, Kyoto University

"The CBR of branding: institutional reputation is everywhere"


2024-07-18: Media relations

Craig Brierley

Head of Research Communications, University of Cambridge

"Have I got news for you – getting research into the headlines"


Tomomi Okubo

Manager, Media Relations Section, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology

"The art of media relations"


2024-05-16: Health communication

Holly Seale

Associate Professor, School of Population Health, University of New South Wales

"Supporting communication during the COVID-19 pandemic: development of a vaccine glossary"


João Cardoso

Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology of the University of Coimbra / Tokyo Polytechnic University

"Crafting a transmedia storytelling universe for health communication"


2024-01-18: Evaluating communications activities

Naoki Namba

Public Relations & Communications Division, Hokkaido University

"Measuring and improving communication activities"


Marie Hobson

Senior Manager–Audience Research and Insight, Victoria & Albert Museum

"Introduction to audience research and evaluation"


2023-12-21: Getting stories into the media

Chris Russell

Senior News Editor, The Japan Times

"Science coverage in The JT"


Jacotte Brokken

Science & Weather expert at VRT (Belgian's public broadcaster)

"How to bring science stories on live radio?"


2023-09-21: AI and Scicomm

Sabine Louët

Founder and CEO SciencePOD

“How can AI help make science more accessible”


Daisuke Furuta

Journalist / Editor-in-chief, Japan Fact-check Center 

What AI brings to Information Disorder


2023-07-20: Keeping up to date with research communication

Hiromitsu Urakami

Researcher Engagement in Research Communication in Japan: Surveying Practices, Awareness, and Challenges


Marina Joubert

Scientists’ participation in public communication and engagement: Insights from South Africa


JSF Socials report for AY2022–2023

2023-03-16: Media relations

Katherine Nickels

Connecting the Dots: Communication and Engagement to Drive Research Impact


Mikas Matsuzawa

Turning Research into News: Techniques on Pitching Your Findings to the Media


2023-01-19: Inclusive Scicomm

Nicolas Bonne

The Tactile Universe: Accessible astrophysics public engagement with the vision impaired community. 


Akira Ohkubo

Making Museum Experiences Accessible for All.


2022-11-17: Storytelling in science

Ruth Francis

Storytelling in science


Rohan Mehra

Form and narrative in documentary film.


2022-09-15: The role of the press officer

Helen Jamison

The Changing Role of Science Press Officers. 


Asako Okamura

What can we tell from numbers?: public communication activities in Japanese research institutes.


2022-07-21: Growing your social media

Fabiana Zollo

Science communication on social media: data-driven insights and recommendations. 


Lisa Takagi  & Brent Olian

Communicating research for the SDGs: Global and domestic social media strategies.


2022-05-19: Hybrid and online events

Heather Doran

Moving to hybrid, lessons from the early days of live streaming. 


Raymond Kunikane Terhune

Online, hybrid, and in person: Presentations in the time of covid. The chaos still remains. 


Supported by

Kobe University logo


Euan McKay

Nagoya University


Nicola Burghall

Raymond Kunikane

Kyushu University


Ayumi Koso

National Institute of Genetics
